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African Fat Tailed Gecko

These little, gentle reptiles called African Fat-Tailed Geckos make wonderful pets for both novice and expert keepers.Their unique, hefty tails earned them their common name; they are endemic to West Africa.As they are nocturnal, these geckos spend the most of the daytime hiding out in caves, burrows or beneath rocks.African Fat-Tailed Geckos can live up to 20 years in captivity with the right care.

Care Guide



  • One adult gecko may live in a terrarium that is 40 gallons in size.

  • The terrarium should be at least 36" x 18" x 18" in size (91cm x 46cm x 46cm).

  • Use a soil-sand combination as a substrate with a soil to sand ratio of 2:1 or 3:1.

  • Provide hiding places for the gecko, such as caves or cork bark, so that it feels safe. A minimum of two hides should be provided, one on each of the terrarium's warm and cold sides.

  • Give a heat source with a temperature gradient of 75–90°F (24–32°C) on the warm side and 70–75°F (21–24°C) on the cold side, such as an under-tank heating pad or ceramic heat emitter. To control the temperature and avoid overheating, use a thermostat.

  • Keep the relative humidity between 60 and 80 %, which you can do by spraying often and using a humid hide on the warm side filled with coco fiber.



  • As African Fat-Tailed Geckos are mostly nocturnal, UV illumination has not been readily offered to them but for their health and well being, UV illumination for a few hours each day may be advantageous.

  • Employ a low power UVB lamp and adhere to the installation and usage guidelines provided by the manufacturer. We recommend the Arcadia Shade Dweller.



  • Fat-Tailed Geckos should be given a diet of adequately sized live insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches(where legal), as they are insectivores.
    The insects shouldn't be bigger than a gecko's head in size.

  • To guarantee a balanced diet, present a range of insects.
    Insects should be gut-loaded with high-quality meal and dusted with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement according to the brand's recommended dosage.

  • The dosage recommendations for various calcium and vitamin D3 supplement manufacturers may vary.
    The particular directions on the bottle or bag of the supplement you're using should be carefully followed.
    The supplement should typically be given to the insects just before eating, however the precise quantity and frequency may differ according on the brand. We recommend Arcadia supplements & regiment if using their UV lighting

  • Always have fresh water available in a shallow dish.



  • Although African Fat-Tailed Geckos may be handled, too much handling could make them anxious. Before handling your gecko, give it a week or two to become used to its new surroundings.

  • Never tug or squeeze the gecko's tail; doing so might cause it to come off. Always hold the gecko's body.
    Don't attempt to handle the gecko by the tail.

  • To stop the transmission of disease to other reptiles & yourself, wash your hands both before and after handling the gecko.



  • To make sure your gecko is healthy, keep an eye on their weight and behaviour.
    To make sure your gecko is keeping a healthy weight, weigh them frequently.

  • Keep an eye out for disease symptoms including lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual excrement, and get veterinarian help if required.

  • To stop the growth of dangerous bacteria, keep the terrarium clean and devoid of food that hasn't been consumed.

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